Friday, November 9, 2007

2007 - 2008 Events

May 24, 2008: 3pm Walking tour of "Roman Paris" with Harvard Alum Arthur Gillette.

May 21, 2008:Ambassador's Cocktail
, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at The US Ambassador's Residence, 41 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris.

April 24, 2008: Reading by Arthur Bloom
(College '56) from his novel, Citron's Sonata. Reading and discussion at the Village Voice Bookshop (6, rue Princesse, 75006 Paris): lots of Harvard in the life story of one Harry Citron, an improper Bostonian and distinguished professor of literature, who travels widely and loves sometimes wisely, sometimes not. Open to the public. Followed by an informal dinner with the author in the neighborhood organized for interested members of the Harvard Club.

March 19, 2008: 6th Annual Harvard-Columbia Bowling Challenge
. 8:00 p.m.

April 8, 2008: "Perspectives économiques de l'Europe entre le Dragon Chinois et l'Aigle Américain", a talk by Jean-Daniel Tordjman
(IEP, ENA, Harvard Business School AMP), Inspecteur général des finances, ancien ambassadeur délégué aux investissements internationaux, Président du Club des Ambassadeurs. 7:00 pm, Cercle de l'Union Interalliée, rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris 8e, followed by a cocktail

International Event, March 28-30
: The HAA Global Series event in Shanghai, a great opportunity for alumni from different schools and countries to join together in conversations and networking opportunities.

February 13, 2008: "Cancer, Environment, and Social Justice", a discussion featuring doctor David Servan-Schreiber (author of the best-selling "Anti-cancer: Prévenir et lutter grâce à nos défenses naturelles") and doctors Annie J. Sasco, Geneviève Barbier, and Laurent Schwartz. 7:00 p.m. at the Cercle de l'Union Interalliée, with cocktail reception to follow

December 15: Pianist Jay Gottlieb plays Gershwin at the Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris, 6 quai d'Orléans, 75004 Paris, at 5:00 pm. The Club is not organizing a group to attend this event but wishes to bring it to members' attention;

December 10: Panel Discussion -- "La recherche sur l'embryon humain : contextes juridiques et éthique. Regards croisés franco-américains." 6:00-8:00 pm, at France-Amériques in the 8ème.

November 19: Thanksgiving dinner at France-Amériques, 8:00 pm.

November 16: Harvard-vs.-Yale "tailgate" happy hour
with Harvard and Yale alumni, at Café Delaville in the 10th, 7:00-9:00 pm.

November 15: A reading and discussion with Harvard alumna and Indian author Abha Dawesar
'95 at the Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006 Paris. Hailed by Le Monde as an author "contre tous tabous", she will read from and discuss her novel, Babyji, which Publishers Weekly called "an impressive balance between moral inquiry and decadent pleasure".

October 18: Annual Cocktail Mixer on the Seine
, aboard the péniche "Baleine Blanche", Port de la Gare, 75013 Paris.

June 25: Harvard-Yale “special guest speaker” event  with Professor Henry Hansmann, the Augustus Lines Professor of Law at Yale Law School, who gave a lecture about "Setting the standard for a performing judicial system in a globalized market: Providing international access to the world's best courts".