Tuesday, October 20, 2009

University of Chicago Event: International Harper Lecture in Paris : "Le Héros Imaginaire", Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The University of Chicago kindly invites our members and friends to the upcoming International Harper Lecture event sponsored by the University Of Chicago Alumni Club Of Paris. This event will take place on Tuesday, 20 October, at The University of Chicago Center in Paris, and will include a faculty conference and cocktail reception.
This faculty lecture will be presented by Alain Finkielkraut, Thomas Pavel and Christian Schiaretti, and moderated by Gérald Garutti, and is entitled: “Le héros imaginaire”.
This event is free, and open to all. WAlumni, friends and guests may register online at:
Registration: https://www.kintera.org/site/apps/ka/rg/ecreg.asp?c=mjJXJ7MLIsE&b=5517383&en=inLDIKNkE5KHJIPgG6IFIVPtG8JKISOlE8IMJUNkFaKJIJPpHjINLWMzGrH
Event Details: http://specialevents.uchicago.edu/paris/docs/ParisPDF.pdf?msource=INTL09