Thursday, April 9, 2009

Measuring Health Care Quality at Institut Montaigne on April 9, 2009

Denise Silber "Measuring Health Care Quality"

Conference and "get together" with Denise Silber,  eHealth specialist, co-hosted by the HCF and Institut Montaigne

What do we really know about the quality of the health care we receive? Which systems most closely measure the results of healthcare providers? Are the principles of quality management applicable to medicine? How does Information Technology play into the picture? These questions are of vital interest to all. So please come join us as we welcome guest speaker, Denise Silber, HBS MBA '79, at the Institut Montaigne on April 8 2009.

Denise Silber, an eHealth expert and entrepreneur, and American in Paris, is the founder of Basil Strategies consultants, providers of eHealth and eMarketing services., as well as the Association for the Quality of Healthcare on the Net. Public speaker and author, Denise has written three reports on healthcare quality for the Institut Montaigne. The most recent publication "Measuring Health Care Quality" provides 1) an impressive set of data regarding the failure of healthcare systems around the world to apply the highest standards of care and 2) some simple proposals for the way forward


The event will start with the conference at 6:30pm, to be followed immediately by a small cocktail.  
Venue : Institut Montaigne